We know migraine disease can make school even harder for your child. The resources here will help you even the playing field so your child can get the education they deserve.
If you are a parent with migraine, you can find more resources at the Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation website.
Don’t know where to start? Follow our step by step guide!
STEP 01 - Get a Diagnosis
If you suspect your child may have migraine start tracking their symptoms and make an appointment to talk to their healthcare provider. TIP: Use our “Your Child May Have Migraine” cheatsheet.
STEP 02 - Track Migraine
Once you have a diagnosis you may realize your child will need more help at school. Continue to track your child’s attacks by using a headache journal. You can use a paper journal or an app.
STEP 03 - Get a Letter from Healthcare Provider
Before your can start a conversation with your school you need to get a letter from your healthcare provider . We want to make this as easy as we can for you. Just download our sample letter and have your child’s doctor sign.
STEP 04 - Get a Healthcare Plan
Talk to your child's school about a Healthcare Plan. We have made it easier for you and the school by creating a fillable one you can download here.
STEP 05 - Empower Your Conversation
The Department of Education has a guide about 504 Plans and migraine. This essential document from the ED explains how a 504 plan can support children with migraine at school. It equips parents with the knowledge to advocate effectively, ensuring their child gets the accommodations they need.
STEP 06 - What Is Best For Your Child
Depending on the severity of your child’s migraine you will need to decide what works best for you and your family. Do you need a Healthcare Plan that makes adjustments to help manage their migraine, do you need a 504 plan, or do you need an IEP? Learn more about the difference between a 504 and IEP.
STEP 07 - Set Up School Meeting
Start a conversation with your school. We suggest beginning with a counselor or the person in charge of student services. Submit the Healthcare Provider Letter and consider what support your child may need. Check out our list of possible accommodations to get started. If you run into challenges or need additional guidance, visit our Disability Resources page for next steps and organizations that can help.
STEP 08 - Adjust Lifestyle
Think about lifestyle changes you and your family can make to help your child manage their migraine. Check out our student infographic for some idea on what changes you can make.
STEP 09 - Become an Ambassador
Join our cause and become a Migraine at School Ambassador. Our Ambassadors are the foundation of our grassroots movement. It is an amazing community of dedicated migraine advocates.
Join Our Parent Peer Support Group
In partnership with the U.S. Pain Foundation each month we host a peer support group for parents. Connect with other people who understand your journey.
Need help? We are here!
We know living with migraine can be expensive. You may need more than advice on accommodations and lifestyle changes. Whatever challenges you are facing we can help find the services you need.