Disability Resources State by State

Need help getting accommodations from your child’s school? We have tips below and offices you can reach out to in your state to get the help you need.

A great first stop in supporting your student with migraine is at their own school. Finding an advocate who knows and supports your student can be your most efficient road to securing prompt accommodations.

Every school and school district is different and can vary by city and state, but some of the best starting points for contact may have some of the following titles within your school system:

  • Classroom Teacher

  • School Nurse, District/Lead Nurse, Nursing Coordinator

  • Health Services Coordinator/Director

  • School Counselor, Lead Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker

  • Wellness Coordinator, Mental Health Director

  • 504 Coordinator

  • Student Services Coordinator/Director, Student Support Coordinator/Director

  • Members of the special education team… and many more.

One you have identified the right resources to talk to at your school, follow our parent steps for making the most of that connection.

Also, the Department of Education now has a guide about 504 Plans and migraine. This essential document from the DOE explains how a 504 plan can support children with migraine at school. It equips parents with the knowledge to advocate effectively, ensuring their child gets the accommodations they need.

But what happens when you hit a roadblock? If your local school resources have run dry, each state has a Disabilities Advocacy Program that may be able to help. Click on your state or territory for more information.

Need help? We are here!

We know living with migraine can be expensive. You may need more than advice on accommodations and lifestyle changes. Whatever challenges you are facing we can help find the services you need.