Migraine Treatments for Youth - Noninvasive Neuromodulation Devices for Children and Adolescents with Migraine
Learn more about noninvasive migraine treatment for kids and teens
Afterschool Pains: A 6-Year-Old's Journey with Migraine
Navigating migraine as a child can be confusing and isolating. Read part one of a three part series on growing up with migraine.
Danielle’s Legacy - 25th Anniversary of Her Passing
It has been 25 years since Danielle has passed. Her legacy lives on.
9 Items Your Kid Needs for Their Migraine Toolkit
School is back in session! What can you do to help your kiddo have the best school day possible when they live with migraine? Put together a migraine toolkit. Here are 9 items you can add.
Migraine and ADHD
Having ADHD and migraine at the same time can be difficult to unravel. With so many overlapping symptoms, it’s hard to tell which is which.
Migraine Accommodations: The 504 Plan
When I first heard about a 504 plan, I thought Oh that’s just for sick kids. Then it became clear that my child was “one of those kids.” Migraine can be debilitating, and I realized 504 accommodations were needed for her to thrive. Every journey is different, but one common thread is our drive to ensure our child succeeds despite a migraine diagnosis.
Kids are Advocates, too!
The migraine and headache communities are digging in and really moving the bar for advocacy. Advocating for kids is important, but think about the impact on advocacy when the kids and teens share their stories and voices. Not only is advocacy important, but the empowerment one gets from advocacy is crucial. How can kids get involved in advocacy?
MHAM before MHAM: Mental Health and Migraine
For those of us in the headache community, MHAM probably means Migraine Headache Awareness Month every June. But there’s another MHAM that can be just as important to our group that has been going on throughout the month of May – Mental Health Awareness Month.
Spring into Migraine
Spring is here which for many means enjoying the new leaves on trees and the blooming flowers. But spring can also cause issues for people with migraine disease. We will look at some of the common problems spring can bring.
Why Gender-Neutral Language Matters
Making sure that all kids get the help they need is something we can all agree on, and it can only be accomplished with inclusive language and action. To that end, Migraine at School is dedicated to accurate representation of our diverse and multifaceted community. One of the ways we’re doing it is by making all of our materials, including our series of infographics, gender neutral.
Concussion, Post-Traumatic Headache And Migraine
The most common head injury is concussion.
What I Wish I Knew Before Getting Omicron
After almost two years of COVID news, I thought I knew it all and couldn’t be more prepared to be sick: I was wrong. Here’s what I wish I knew before getting Omicron.
6 Useful Tips for Your Migraine this Holiday Season
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style…as much joy as this season can bring, it can also be a hard time to manage your migraine. We all start eating our weight in cookies and drink enough hot chocolate to fill a pool. With a little planning and care, you have a better chance of having fewer migraine attacks this holiday season.
Emma’s Migraine Story: So Much More than Just a Headache
Emma’s migraine story began when she started experiencing migraine attacks in the first grade. By winter of fourth grade, she was missing a significant amount of school due to her migraine disease. She was moved into online school. This was not an ideal situation for a child already coping with the challenges of the pandemic.
Going Back to School as a Teacher Living with Migraine
Life can be difficult for someone living with migraine.
One Parent’s Guide to Navigating Migraine
In December of 2015, Ava had an accident at school that altered her trajectory, permanently. She was rehearsing a scene in her musical theater class when she slipped, fell and hit her head.