Migraine at School is the foundational initiative of the Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation, which also offers additional programs to encourage individuals to prioritize their mental health and well-being.
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Time to Pause and Breathe
Thank you to our dedicated school nurses and educators for their tireless work in promoting health, nurturing wellness, and empowering student success in our schools.
Cultivating Compassion
The holiday season can be stressful, take time for you and do these 11-Minute Cloud Salutations
Harvesting Happiness
Wind down restorative practice to make space for self-care. Making time for you.
September Fall Into Wellness
This class will take you through Sun Salutation A. Sun Salutation A involves standing movement. It's a great series for slowly waking up in the morning.
August Back-to-School Balance
This 45-minute class focuses on the upper back, shoulders and neck. All that is needed is a couple of pillows and a blanket for support.
July Nurse Yoga
Sun Salutation B is an awakening sequence. You'll link breath with movement in these active yoga postures.
June Summer Serenity
This half-hour yin practice is done against a wall. Poses focus on the lower body.
May Nourish and Restore
Yoga for the School Nurse's Well-Being. A 45 minute Sun Flow.
April Spring Renewal
Yoga to Ease the School Nurse's Mind - Yoga Nidra (Meditation). Find a comfortable place to lie down.
Minimizing March Madness
A Self-Care Practice for the School Nurse. A short 15 minute restorative yoga morning stretch.