Migraine Stigma Resources for Students
Migraine is often an invisible disease. This means many people experience migraine stigma. In order to fight migraine stigma, we need to learn more about migraine, create a supportive community, and get the resources we need.
Migraine University
Migraine University (a National Headache Foundation program) provides resources for young people living with migraine diseases while trying to navigate their college experience.
Understanding Pediatric Migraine
The American Migraine Foundation explains why migraine in children is oftentimes overlooked, misdiagnosed, and left untreated.
Headache School
Headache School’s mission is to educate people with migraine and headaches in a collaborative, supportive environment.
Migraine Forms for School
It is important your educators know you have migraine. Migraine.com has these easy to fill out forms to help communicate your migraine disease.
Migraine Patient Toolkit:
A Guide to Your Care
This patient-centered resource provides easy-to-understand information about migraine diagnosis and treatment, as well as tips on interacting with health care providers and health insurance companies to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Migraine Variants In Children
When migraine variants occur, they may be confused with other health conditions, and it is not uncommon for several different other health conditions to be considered while searching for the correct diagnosis. The American Migraine Foundation can help you recognize the difference.
Never Too Young for Chronic Headaches in Teenagers
Chronic daily headache presents a significant problem for many teenagers. For practitioners, patients, and their families, it is a challenging and frustrating entity to treat. The American Migraine Foundation can help you understand more.
PedMIDAS Questionnaire
PedMIDAS was developed to assess migraine disability in pediatric and adolescent patients.
Migraine Again Thrive in School
A series of school-related articles on how to have the best school experience you can.
CHAMP Language and Image Guide
In partnership with the headache, migraine, and cluster patient advocacy community CHAMP looks to change the way we speak about and represent headache diseases. Changing the way we speak about these diseases will reduce the stigma attached to this community.