Educator Lifestyle Tips & Tools
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Certain migraine lifestyle changes can help address your students' migraine triggers. This page can help you find the resources you need to decrease the regularity of students' migraine attacks.
FREE Restorative Yoga
The Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation offers free yoga classes every Monday evening. Join live or watch one of their many recorded classes.
Sleep Tips for Teens with Migraine - Facebook Live Recap
A full schedule can make that much harder than it seems, so in a recent Facebook live chat hosted by the American Migraine Foundation, Dr. Emily Law shared her top five tips for helping your teen get a good night’s sleep.
Headache Diary: Keeping a Diary Can Help Your Doctor Help You
Keeping detailed records of headache episodes can help provide additional insight about triggers and how to avoid them.
Headache Relief Guide - Dr. Jennifer Bickel
Migraine can be frustrating, scary, and painful. This site can be your guide to headache relief.
Migraine Buddy
The Migraine Buddy is an advanced migraine tracking app, designed with the help of neurologists and data scientists.
Migraine Matters
This tool is built to serve the needs of patients and the providers working on behalf of their care with actionable information on the topics they need.
Migraine & Mental Health
72% of children with migraine experience anxiety. Taking care of your mental health is an important part of taking care of you.
Mindfulness Session with Brief Pre- and Post-Surveys
Scientists at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have found new evidence that mindfulness meditation reduces pain more effectively than placebo.
Self Care
Nine self-care tips for back-to-school time. Here are some tips migraineurs can use to help ease the transition into earlier mornings and more hectic afternoons.
Migraine Trainer
Migraine Trainer is an app developed by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) to help users ages 13+ understand possible causes of their migraines, and take a greater role in their treatment by creating an individual migraine management plan with their parents and medical team.